HumBioEnvLogy is a blogging niche for the discussion of Biodiversity of Flora and Fauna within the Ecosystem and Human interaction; the effect and control/preventive measures to protect the environment. This is aimed to be educative and informative.
Thursday, August 03, 2017
HumBioEnvLogy: Heavy Metal Pollution, Bioaccumulation, And Effect...
HumBioEnvLogy: Heavy Metal Pollution, Bioaccumulation, And Effect...: The school of thought that Technology brings more harm to us than good , may be as a result of our failure to apply best practices in o...
Heavy Metal Pollution, Bioaccumulation, And Effect To The Environment
The school of thought that Technology brings more harm to us than
good , may be as a result of our failure to apply best practices in our utilization
of the technological innovations in all
areas of life, e. g. Exploration of both solid and liquid mineral resources,
commercialisation of agriculture, construction of roads/other developmental
infrastructure and their uses, industrialisation, expansion in the form of
reclamation of lands, etc., in one way or the other has effect to the
environment and to us that ought to manage our environment for sustenance.
rusting of iron and steel used in construction and as ornaments, the
application of inorganic fertilisers to the soil to enhance productivity for
our agricultural produce, exploration of minerals that affects our atmosphere,
hydrosphere and leaves soil seriously polluted, emission of carbon and other
gasses which settles and react with water to become toxic to both plants and
animals, and improper disposal/management of waste all are responsible for the
pollution of our environment with one heavy metal or the other.
metals are members of loosely defined subset of elements that exhibit metallic
properties. Lots of definitions have been proposed, some based on density
(6.0g/cm3 or more (much higher than the average particle density of
soils which is 2.66g/cm3)), some on atomic number or atomic weight,
and some on chemical properties. These metals are alternatively called toxic
metals, irrespective of their atomic mass or density.
metals include ill-defined subset of elements that exhibit metallic properties,
which are transition metals, some metalloids, lanthanides, and actinides. These
metals cause environmental pollution from sources such as leaded petrol,
industrial effluents, and leaching of metal ions from the soil into lakes and
rivers by acid rain. Other sources of heavy metal pollutants are metal mining,
metal smelting, metallurgical industries, waste disposal, and corrosion of
metals in use, agriculture and forestry. Heavy metals contamination affects
large areas world-wide, but hot spots of pollution are locations close to the landfills,
industrial sites, around large cities and in the vicinity of mining and
smelting plants. This makes Agriculture within the areas to face major problems
due to heavy metal transfer into crops and subsequently into the food chain.
most important heavy metals with regard to potential hazards and occurrence in
contaminated soils are:- Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Mercury
(Hg), Lead (Pb), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Selenium (Se), Nickel (Ni), Silver
(Ag). Others that are less common metallic contaminants include Aluminium (Al),
Caesium (Cs), Cobalt (Co), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), Strontium (Sr), and
Uranuim (U).
(Be) and aluminium (Al) which is light metals sometimes are counted as heavy
metals in view of their toxicity. Exposure to Beryllium (Be) can result in lung
and heart disorder and possibly death while aluminium is a major inhibitor of
crop growth in acid soils.
most prevalent heavy metal known so far is Lead. Lead, is part of the component
of tetra-ethyl lead that is extensively used in gasoline. Lead levels in the
aquatic environments of industrialized societies have been estimated to be two
to three times those of pre-industrialized areas. Although the use of leaded
gasoline is largely been phased out in some advanced countries, but soils
within the roads still retain high concentrations of lead.
is the accumulation of substances or chemicals in an organism. There are small
numbers of plants that easily absorb high levels of metals from the surrounding
soil and other organisms that feed on plants which already has absorbed the
metals and soil surroundings. These are called hyperaccumulators and
accumulators respectively. If these plants and animals are harvested or
collected for human use, exposure to harmful levels of metals can occur. This
is normally concerned only to organisms collected from arrears with high
concentration of the metals in the soil.
uptake of metals by plants is dependent on the acidity of the soil (PH).
The higher the acidity, the more soluble and mobile the metals become, and the
more likely they are to be taken up and accumulated in organisms.
general, humans are more likely to be exposed to metal contamination from soil
that sticks to plants and animals than from bioaccumulation. This is because it
is very difficult to wash all soil particles off of plant and animal materials
before preparing and ingesting those.
that feed and grow near the soil as well as the plant parts that have closer
contact to the soil are at higher risk for exposure to metal contamination than
the higher portions of plants and animals that stay further away. Animals can
accumulate metals by eating plants, fish, soil, or drinking water with elevated
metal concentration. These metals are not excreted by animals; rather, they
accumulate mostly in organs as well as skin, hair, and bones.
amount of heavy metals is required by living organisms. Iron, cobalt, copper,
manganese, molybdenum, and zinc are required by humans. All metals are toxic at
high concentrations. Excessive levels can be damaging to the organism. Other
heavy metals such as mercury, plutonium, and lead are toxic metals and are of
no importance or beneficial effect on organisms, and their accumulation over
time in the bodies of animals can cause serious illness. The types of heavy
metals and their effect on human health with their permissible limits are
enumerated in the table below.
Permissible limits
of heavy metals in respect to food
Pesticides, fungicides,
metal smelters
Bronchitis, dermatitis,
Welding, electroplating,
pesticide, fertilizer, Cd and Ni batteries, nuclear fission plant
Renal dysfunction, lung
diseases, lung cancer, bone defects (Osteomalacia, Osteoporosis), increase
blood pressure, kidney damage, bronchitis, gastrointestinal disorder, bone marrow,
Paint, pesticide,
smoking, automobile emission, mining, burning of coal
Mental retardation in
children, development delay, fatal infant encephalopathy, congenital
paralysis, sensor neural deafness and, acute or chronic damage to the nervous
system, epilepticus, liver, kidney, gastrointestinal damage
Welding, fuel addition,
ferromanganese production
Inhalation or contact
causes damage to central nervous system
Pesticides, batteries,
paper industry
Tremors, gingivitis,
minor psychological changes, acrodynia characterized by pink hands and feet,
spontaneous abortion, damage to nervous system, protoplasm poisoning
Refineries, brass
manufacture, metal plating, plumbing
Zinc fumes have corrosive
effect on skin, cause damage to nervous membrane
Mines, mineral sources
Damage to the nervous
system, fatigue, irritability
Mining, pesticide
production, chemical industry, metal piping
Anaemia, liver and kidney
damage, stomach and intestinal irritation
(Source: Singh et al., 2011)
Heavy metals disrupt metabolic functions in two ways:
· They accumulate and thereby disrupt function in vital organs and
glands such as the heart, brain, kidneys, bone, liver, etc.
· They displace the vital nutritional minerals from their original
place, thereby, hindering their biological function. It is, however, impossible
to live in an environment free of heavy metals. There are many ways by which
these toxins can be introduced into the body such as consumption of foods,
beverages, skin exposure, and the inhaled air.
concentrate in soil typically ranges from less than one to as high as 100,000
mg/kg. Heavy metals are the main group of inorganic contaminants. Considerable
large areas of land is contaminated with heavy metals due to use of sludge or
municipal compost, pesticides, fertilisers, and emission from municipal wastes
incinerates, exudates, residues from metalliferous mines and smelting
of origin of the metals in the soil, consequential effect of its high level occurrence
can lead to soil quality degradation, crop yield reduction, and poor quality of
agricultural products, posing significant hazards to human, animal, and ecosystem
metals consumed beyond the bio-recommended limits become harmful and show some
effect to life, this phenomenon is referred to as biotoxicity. Although
individual metals exhibit specific signs of their toxicity, the following have
been reported as general signs associated with cadmium, lead, arsenic, mercury,
zinc, copper and aluminium poisoning: Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders,
diarrhoea, stomatitis, tremor, hemoglobinuria causing a rust-red colour to
stool, ataxia, paralysis, vomiting and convulsion, depression, and pneumonia
when volatile vapours and fumes are inhaled. The nature of effects could be
toxic (acute, chronic or sub-chronic), neurotoxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic or
is the most significant toxin of the heavy metals, and the inorganic forms are
absorbed through ingestion by food and water, and inhalation. A notably serious
effect of lead toxicity is its teratogenic effect. Lead poisoning also causes
inhibition of the synthesis of haemoglobin; dysfunctions in the kidneys, joints
and reproductive systems, cardiovascular system and acute and chronic damage to
the central nervous systems (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). Other
effects include damage to the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and urinary tract
resulting in bloody urine, neurological disorder and can cause severe and
permanent brain damage. While inorganic forms of lead, typically affect the
CNS, PNS, GIT and other biosystems, organic forms predominantly affect the CNS.
Lead affects children by leading to the poor development of the grey matter of
the brain, thereby resulting in poor intelligence quotient (IQ). Its absorption
in the body is enhanced by Ca and Zn deficiencies. Acute and chronic effects of
lead result in psychosis.
is toxic at extremely low levels. In humans, long term exposure results in
renal dysfunction, characterized by tubular proteinuria. High exposure can lead
to obstructive lung disease, cadmium pneumonitis, resulting from inhaled dusts
and fumes. It is characterized by chest pain, cough with foamy and bloody
sputum, and death of the lining of the lung tissues because of excessive
accumulation of watery fluids. Cadmium is also associated with bone defects,
viz; osteomalacia, osteoporosis and spontaneous fractures, increased blood
pressure and myocardic dysfunctions. Depending on the severity of exposure, the
symptoms of effects include nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, dyspnea and
muscular weak-ness. Severe exposure may result in pulmonary odema and death.
Pulmonary effects (emphysema, bronchiolitis and alveolitis) and renal effects
may occur following sub-chronic inhalation exposure to cadmium and its
has been reported to cause the same signs of illness as does lead, and can
easily be mistakenly diagnosed as lead poisoning. Zinc is considered to be
relatively non-toxic, especially if taken orally. However, excess amount can
cause system dysfunctions that result in impairment of growth and reproduction.
The clinical signs of zinc toxicosis have been reported as vomiting, diarrhoea,
bloody urine, icterus (yellow mucus membrane), liver failure, kidney failure
and anaemia.
is toxic and has no known function in human biochemistry and physiology.
Inorganic forms of mercury cause spontaneous abortion, congenital malformation
and GI disorders (like corrosive esophagitis and hematochezia). Poisoning by
its organic forms, which include monomethyl and dimenthylmecury presents with
erthism (an abnormal irritation or sensitivity of an organ or body part to
stimulation), acrdynia (pink disease, which is characterised by rash and
desquamation of the hands and feet), gingivitis, stomatitis, neurological
disorders, total damage to the brain and CNS and are also associated with
congenital malformation.
like lead and mercury, arsenic toxicity symptoms depend on the chemical form
ingested. Arsenic acts to coagulate protein, forms complexes with coenzymes and
inhibits the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) during respiration. It
is possibly carcinogenic in compounds of all its oxidation states and high
level exposure can cause death. Arsenic toxicity also presents a disorder,
which is similar to and often confused with Guillain-Barre syndrome, an
anti-immune disorder that occurs when the body’s immune system mistakenly
attacks part of the PNS, resulting in nerve inflammation that causes muscle
Copper though
plays a vital role in facilitating the uptake of iron, but its deficiency can
produce anaemia like symptoms, neutropenia, bone abnormalities,
hypopigmentation, and impaired growth, increased incidence of infections,
osteoporosis, hyperthyroidism, and abnormalities in glucose and cholesterol
metabolism. Severe deficiency can possibly be found by testing for low plasma
or serum copper levels, low ceruloplasmin, and low red blood cell superoxide
dismutase levels, although, these are not sensitive to marginal copper statue.
Copper salts are known to be toxic to humans possibly due to redox cycling and
generation of reactive oxygen species that damage DNA.
Corresponding amount of copper salts (30 mgkg-1) are toxic to
animals. Chronic copper toxicity does not normally occur in humans because of
transport systems that regulate absorption and excretion.
is an essential element for life when in minute quantity which is estimated to
be between 150 and 500 mgkg-1. However, chronic cobalt ingestion has
caused serious health problems at doses far less than the lethal dose. Cobalt compound has led to
peculiar form of toxin induced cardiomyopathy.
has a greater bioavailability in water than in diet. Higher levels of exposure
to manganese in drinking water increases intellectual impairment and reduced
intelligent quotients in school age children. Manganism is a rare neurological
disorder associated with excessive manganese ingestion or inhalation. People at
higher risk of exposure are workers are workers at manganese alloy
production/processing plants. Manganism has a biphase disorder with early stage
resulting to depression, mood swings, compulsive behaviour and psychosis if
intoxicated. This early neurological symptoms give way to late stage manganism
that resembles Parkinson’s disease. Symptoms include weakness, monotone and
slow speech, an expressionless face, tremor, forward leaning gait, inability to
walk backward without falling, rigidity and general problems with dexterity,
gait and balance.
Iron toxicity occurs when
there is free iron in the cell and it generally occurs when iron levels exceed
the capacity of transferring to bind the iron. Iron when ingested in large
amounts can cause excessive levels of iron in the blood thus reacting with
peroxides to produce free radicals that are highly reactive and damages the
DNA, proteins, lipids and other cellular components. Damage to the
gastrointestinal tract prevents the regulated iron absorption leading to
further increase in blood levels. Iron typically damages cells in the heart,
liver, and elsewhere, which can cause significant adverse effects, including
coma, metabolic acidosis, shock, liver failure, coagulopathy, adult respiratory
distress syndrome, long time organ damage, and even death.
sulphide fume and dust are believed carcinogenic and various other nickel
compounds may be as well. Nickel carbonyl (Ni (CO)4)
is an extremely toxic compound of nickel in gaseous state. The minimal risk
level of nickel and its compounds is set to 0.0002 mgm-3 for
inhalation during 15-364 days while the tolerable upper dietary limit is 1
mgday-1 and average ingestion is 0.069-0.162 mgday-1 in
US. Individuals that are sensitive to nickel may show allergy affecting their
skin known as dermatitis. It is an important cause of contact allergy which are
often marked by itchy red skin, partly due to its use in jewellery.
poisoning effects of heavy metals are due to their interference with the normal
body biochemistry in normal metabolic processes. When ingested, in the acid
medium of the stomach, they are converted to their stable oxidation states (Zn2+,
Pb2+, Cd2+, As2+, As3+, Hg2+,
and Ag+) and combine with the body’s biomolecules such as proteins
and enzymes to form strong and stable chemical bonds.
There is growing concern on effects of heavy
metals on human health and hence this has led to increase in research upon the
flora and fauna upon which humans feed.
In my research,
maginata) AND (Achatina folica)
1. They were concentration of heavy metals in
both the flesh and shell of the organisms for copper, zinc, manganese, lead,
cadmium, etc. It is an indication that organisms must have contacted the heavy
metals throws the developmental process of hatching of the deposited egg,
crawling for food on soils loaded with heavy metals, and feeding on plants that
have already accumulated the same metals in the cells and tissues.
2. The concentration varied from region and
metals accounting for the effect of spillage, emission of hydrocarbon and
exploration within the area which has found itself into the food chain that can
affect us human while consuming the snails.
areas in the south east have results that show that pollution during
exploration of solid minerals, industrial activities like welding, pollution
via landfills, addition of fertilisers to the soil that sometimes leach or
washed by run off contributes to the pollution and are contacted by absorption,
body surface contact like the case of Snails.
though some of these metals are vital nutrients in the body but when they are
found beyond the quantity that the body needs it, it obviously become toxic or
Our food should be properly washed to ensure
that the soil remains on the food (organisms) we intend to ingest which may
contain the metals are washed off.
Though these snails are processed (heating,
cooking) before consumption, the effect of processing could be minimal, since
the heavy metals are non-degradable. Hence, it is advised that the source of
snail to be consumed must be scrutinized.
Also, land pollution should be minimized and
effluents should be treated before discharge unto land.
Application of manure and fertilizers as well as
emission of gases should be controlled in order to reduce intentional heavy
metal application to the soil.
More proactive measures should be employed or
policies to regulate exploration of minerals that often spills and pollute the
Saturday, July 01, 2017
HumBioEnvLogy: Health and Environmental Effect of Uncontrolled Us...
HumBioEnvLogy: Health and Environmental Effect of Uncontrolled Us...: More awareness on the control use of chemicals (such as detergents) that pollutes the environment and affects human is of great concern...
Health and Environmental Effect of Uncontrolled Use of Chemical Based Detergent
awareness on the control use of chemicals (such as detergents) that pollutes
the environment and affects human is of great concern in the global context.
Many laundry detergents contain approximately 35% to 75% phosphate salts. Phosphates
cause a variety of water pollution problems. For example, phosphate tends to
inhibit the biodegradation of organic substances. Non-biodegradable substances are
not easily eliminated by public or private wastewater treatment. In addition,
some phosphate-based detergents cause eutrophication. Over-enrichment of
phosphate can cause the water body to become choked with algae and other
plants. Eutrophication on the other hand deprives the water of available
oxygen, causing the death of other organisms. Skins of human are affected in
the use of the detergents and cancers arose when excessively ingested.
Detergents figure in an extensive array of
industrial and home cleaning applications, including laundry and dishwasher
detergents. Released into the flow of wastewater coming from the home, these
detergents can have far-reaching environmental impacts.
detergents are obviously vital in the cleaning of the soiled oily rags and
other domestic and industrial materials when they are dirty, as cleanliness is
part of environmental friendliness. They are essential products that safeguard
our health. Detergents are indispensable products for the maintenance of
cleanliness, health and hygiene. But there is the need to look at how
sustainable these detergents are to the environment and to man as they seem to
do more harm than good.
unlike soaps that are made from natural substances are synthetic and are made
of chemicals. Detergents came into brim light during world war due to the need
for more soaps and better things that will clean the materials. This led to
invent of the use of chemicals as against the natural agents used in soap
organisms are in continuous danger and stand a chance of extinction due to the
chemical deposits of some non-biodegradable chemicals that are major
components/ingredients of detergents released into the water ways. The soil is
also polluted with the reagents destroying the vital microorganisms needed in
the soil as well increasing partly the activities of phytoplankton and other
water algae/hyacinth, thus hindering the survival of zooplankton - in balance
in the ecosystem.
detergents have also caused lots of damage to the skin and eyes and caused lots
of allergies to the external body while a high level contamination of the
ingested ones causes cancer.
measures need to be applied to save our life and the environment from this
silent but effective danger that are experienced from the use of detergent.
are cleaning products manufactured from synthetic chemical compounds, as
opposed to soap, which originates with natural substances like lye and plant
saponins. Detergents are Sulfactants (compounds that lower the surface tension of a liquid,
the interfacial tension between two liquids, or that between a liquid and a
solid. Sulfactants may act as detergents and wetting agents, emulsifiers,
foaming agents, and dispersants) or a mixture of
surfactants with "cleaning properties in dilute solutions." These
substances are usually alkylbenzenesulfonates, a family of compounds that are
similar to soap but are more soluble in hard water,
because the polar sulfonate (of detergents) is less likely than the polar
carboxyl (of soap) to bind to calcium and other ions found in hard water. In
most household contexts, the term detergent by itself refers specifically to
laundry detergent or dish detergent, as opposed to hand soap or other types of cleaning agents. Detergents are
commonly available as powders or concentrated solutions. Detergents, like
soaps, work because they are amphiphilic: partly hydrophilic (polar) and partly
hydrophonic (non-polar). Their dual nature facilitates the mixture of
hydrophobic compounds (like oil and grease) with water. Because air is not
hydrophilic, detergents are also foaming agents to varying degrees.
Biological Detergent - Biological
detergents are laundry detergents that contains enzymes harvested from micro-organisms such as bacteria adapted
to live in hot springs. The description is commonly used in the United Kingdom, where other washing detergents are described as
"non-biological" (or bio and "non-bio"). Most
manufacturers of biological detergents also produce non-biological ones.
Biological detergents clean in the same way as
non-biological ones with additional effects from the enzymes, whose purpose is
to break down protein, starches and fat in dirt and stains on clothing to be
laundered, for example food stains, sweat and mud. It is found that the
performance of various makes of biological powders ranged from 58% to 81%, and
non-biological powders scored from 41% to 70%. The enzymes in biological
detergents enable effective cleaning at lower temperatures than required by
normal detergents, but are denatured at higher temperatures—about 50°C is
recommended. A biological detergent can contain amylase, cellulose, protease,
and lipase.
Laundry Detergent - Laundry detergent, or washing powder, as otherwise called,
is a type of detergent (cleaning agent) that is added for cleaning laundry. In
common usage, "detergent" refers to mixtures of chemical compounds
including alkylbenzenesulfonates, which are similar to soap but are less
affected by hard water. In most household contexts, the term detergent refers to laundry detergent or other types of
cleaning agents. Most detergent is delivered in powdered form.
Detergents are classified into Three (3) broad categories,
depending on the sulfactants’ electrical charge. They are:
Cationic, and
and Zwitterionic detergents
Anionic Detergents - Typical
anionic detergents are Alkyl benzene sulfonate. The alkyl benzene portion of
these anions is lipophilic and the sulfonate is
hydrophilic. Two different varieties have been popularized, those with branched
alkyl groups and those with linear alkyl groups. The former were largely phased
out in economically advanced societies because they are poorly biodegradable.
An estimated 6 billion kilograms of anionic detergents are produced annually
for domestic markets.
acids, such as deoxycholic acid (DOC), are anionic detergents produced by the
liver to aid in digestion and absorption of fats and oils.
Cationic Detergents
- Cationic detergents are similar to the
anionic ones, with a hydrophobic component, but, instead of the anionic sulfonate
group, the cationic sulfactants have quaternary ammonium as the polar end. The
ammonium center is positively charged.
ammonium cations, also known as quats, are positively charged polyatomic ions
of the structure NR+, R being an
alkyl group or an aryl group.
Non-ionic and Zwitterionic
detergents - Non-ionic detergents are characterized by their
uncharged, hydrophilic head groups. Typical non-ionic detergents are based on
polyoxyethylene or a glycoside. Common examples of the former include Tween,
Triton, and the Brij series. These materials are also known as ethoxylates or
PEGylates. Glycosides have a sugar as their uncharged hydrophilic headgroup.
Examples include octyl-thioglucoside and maltoside. HEGA and MEGA series
detergents are similar, possessing a sugar alcohol as headgroup.
detergents possess a net zero charge arising from the presence of equal numbers
of +1 and −1 charged chemical groups. Examples include CHAPS.
Laundry detergents are formulated from
six groups of substances which are discussed with their functions as:
Sulfactants – are organic
chemicals, obtained through complex chemical reactions, from oil or fat raw materials. They have wetting,
emulsifying and dispersing properties, enabling the removal of dirt
("soil") from fabrics and keeping the soil suspended in the washing
Detergents usually contain several types of
surfactants such as soaps (anionic), alkylbenzenesulphonate (anionic),
ethoxylated fatty alcohols (non-ionic). The mixture is carefully balanced to
control foaming and provide the appropriate washing efficiency (for the
required washing temperatures, types of fabric and water hardness); at a price
the consumer is willing to pay.
However, surfactant efficiency is very much
reduced in hard water and their detergent properties are not complete even in
soft water.
Builders – builders are key detergent components
which remove the calcium and magnesium ions presents in hard water and in
soils, thus lowering the concentration of surfactants necessary to perform the
detersive action. Some builders also prevent the deposition of calcium and
magnesium salts on fabrics and washing machines.
Sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) is the most widely
used builder and, in conjunction with surfactants, allows modern detergents to
perform efficiently in all washing conditions, allowing the use of other
essential ingredients to be minimised.
STTP also plays a number of other roles in
detergents including maintaining alkalinity during washing (assists the removal
of fatty soils), protecting the washing machine against corrosion, helping to
suspend dirt in the wash water and prevent it redisposing on fabrics.
Zeolite A (a sodium aluminium silicate) is a
synthetic builder, used in phosphate-free detergents, necessarily in
conjunction with other chemicals. In most modern P-free detergents, zeolite is
used with PCAs (polycarboxylates), but other chemicals have also been used in some
detergents, for example NTA (nitrile tri acetic acid), EDTA, sodium carbonate,
citrate, etc .
Zeolite absorbs, by ion-exchange, some of the
calcium (but not the magnesium) presents in hard waters and soils, but the rate
at which it is able to absorb calcium ions is many times slower than for STPP.
Neither does it perform the other roles played by STPP in detergents. It is
thus significantly less efficient than STPP and its use without any other
change in the detergent formula would result in generally poor detergency and a
severe increase of deposits on fabrics.
Bleaching agents – bleaching agents
eliminate stubborn stains and ensure hygiene by killing bacteria through a
chemical oxidation performed by a peroxygen generator, usually sodium
perborate. The latter is usually active only above 60°C and so, for lower
washing temperatures, an activator is added : eg. tetra acetyl ethylene diamine
Enzymes – in particular: proteases, lipases and
amylases. Catalyse the degradation of some stains and thus facilitate their
Other components – used
in small quantities to ensure specific wash enhancing properties essentially
· Enzyme stabilising
agents ;
· Fluorescent whitening
agents which enhance the whiteness of fabrics and prevent natural yellowing ;
· Anti-redeposition
agents : cellulose derivatives (such as
carboxymethylcellulose) which help repel dirt
from fabrics ;
· Anti foams such as
silicone to control the level of foam so that the
washing machine can
operate properly ;
· Perfumes ;
· Corrosion inhibitors,
such as sodium silicate.
Fillers – enable the adjustment
of the active matter in the detergent to the doses used. Filler products
include sodium sulphate in powders, water and solvents in liquids.
STPP (phosphates)
fulfil several important functions in detergents:
Counteract the effects of calcium and magnesium salts
present in hard water and in soils, thus allowing surfactants to function
correctly. Phosphates prevent these ions combining with surfactants and
rendering these inactive. They also condense to increase the surface activity
of surfactants. Phosphates thus enable the detergent to actually wash
Prevent the deposit of calcium and magnesium
incrustations on fabrics and on the washing machine’s heating elements.
Stabilise alkalinity at the correct level throughout the
washing process thus giving good soil removal and enabling the other components
of the detergents to function effectively.
"Anti-redeposition" properties. Phosphates help
break up large particles of dirt into smaller ones, which can be washed out,
and they help prevent fine dirt particles from combining and thus keep them in
suspension in the wash water. Phosphates also help emulsify oily materials.
Deposits on fabrics trap dirt and provide a breeding ground for bacteria. In
addition, they cause washed fabrics to become harsh, grey, and to wear out more
Help the efficient manufacture, storage and use of
detergents by stabilising detergents' physical properties.
Facilitate dissolving of detergents. Phosphates are
highly soluble, and so facilitate and accelerate the dissolution of the
detergent in the wash water, ensuring optimal performance. This is particularly
important in tablet formulations, where the tablets must remain hard to handle,
but dissolve very rapidly on contact with the wash water in order to disperse
the concentrated surfactants they contain.
Redissolve calcium and magnesium compounds present in the
washing machine from previous washes, thus reactivating any remaining
detergents and improving detergent performance.
No other single chemical offers all, or even most,
of these different properties, so that P-free detergents systematically contain
a number of “new” chemicals as well as necessitating a complete change and
reinforcement of other elements of the formulation.
Biological Reagent
Reagent grade detergents are employed for the isolation
and purification of integral membrane proteins found in biological cells.
Advancements in the purity and sophistication of detergents have facilitated
structural and biophysical characterization of important membrane proteins such
as ion channels, transporters, signaling receptors, and photosystem II.
Biological detergents are commonly used to disrupt the
bipolar lipid membrane of cells in order to release and solubilize
membrane-bound proteins. Some detergents can be used to solubilize recombinant
proteins, while others are recommended for the stabilization, crystallization,
or denaturation of proteins. Detergents can align at aqueous/non-aqueous
interfaces, resulting in reduced surface tension, increased miscibility, and
stabilization of emulsions. Additional detergent applications include:
Extraction of DNA and RNA
Solubilization of specimens for diagnostic
Cell lysis
Liposome preparation
Prevention of reagent and analyte precipitation
from solution
Prevention of non-specific binding in immunoassays
Fuel additives
Both carburettors and fuel injector components of auto
engines benefit from detergents in the fuels to prevent fouling (the
accumulation of unwanted material on solid surfaces to the detriment of
function). Concentrations are about 300 ppm. Typical detergents are long-chain
amines and amides such as poly-isobutane amine and poly-isobutene amide/succinimide.
Laundry detergents
One of the largest applications of detergents is for
cleaning clothing. The formulations are complex, reflecting the diverse demands
of the application and the highly competitive consumer market. In general,
laundry detergents contain water softeners, surfactants, bleach, enzymes,
brighteners, fragrances, and many other agents as had earlier been mentioned
above. The formulation is strongly affected by the temperature of the cleaning
water and varies from country to country.
Soapless soaps
Soapless soaps refer to soap free liquid cleanser (detergents
or cleansing creams, other than soap, for cleaning the skin, especially
removing greasy films or glandular exudates. Soap substitutes can be made from
a variety of sources including plants with high saponin levels. Soap
substitutes should not be confused with natural cleaning products which are
cleaning agents for kitchen and house use) with a slightly acidic pH.
After 30 years of research no adequate
substitute for STPP has been found: that is, a single substance which can take
its place in a detergent formula without requiring other undesirable additions
to the formula and without decreasing, below an acceptable level, the level of
cleanliness and hygiene achieved.
In fact, a phosphate-free formula is
usually completely different from a phosphate-containing one, using several new
chemicals along with a different balance of existing ones, with a series of
changes being necessary to resolve the succession of problems which arise when
STPP is not used. Phosphate-free formulations as a general rule contain some or
all of the following chemicals:
§ Zeolite A as a principal builder, this is an
artificial, insoluble compound based on aluminium and silicate
§ PCAs (polycarboxylates), non-biodegradeable long chain
petrochemical molecules, used to reduce deposition of calcium and magnesium
salts which result from the poor ion removal properties of zeolite A
§ Reinforced surfactant system : higher total surfactant load and/or
modified proportions of different surfactants
§ Increased enzyme content
§ Perborate activators added or levels
increased to improve bleaching.
§ Sodium carbonate to maintain alkalinity
§ Small amounts or increased levels of
organo-phosphates and citrates
Detergents are known
to have caused lots of negative impacts both on Health and Environment. The
important components of detergents forming sulfactants, builder and etc have
been identified to affect human and environment. Detergents effect could be
broadly classified as:
Health Effect
Sulfactants a major
component of detergent is known to cause rough skin surface, the loss of
natural moisture on the surface of the skin and increase the permeability of
the outer skin surface. The test results show that human skin is only able to
tolerate contact with chemicals contained in the detergent with irritation due
to 'being' on the skin. Cationic surfactants are toxic if ingested compared
with anionic surfactants and non-ionic. The rest of the ingredients contained
in the detergent surfactants can form klorinisasi chlorbenzene in drinking
water treatment process taps. Chlorbenzene is a chemical compound that is toxic
and harmful to health. At first the type of ABS surfactants are widely used by
industrial detergents. But because it found evidence that the ABS has a high
risk to the environment, this material has now been replaced with another
material that is less harmful.
damaging the natural environment, the perceived adverse effects of detergents
are not separated from its customers. The impact can also cause disturbances in
the environment on human health. When after we wash clothes, our hands feel dry
skin, burning, blistering, cracking, peeling easy to cause itching and
sometimes become allergic.
have shown that detergents has the ability to dissolve some essential
ingredients in the body ( carcinogens, such as 3.4 Benzonpyrene) causing water
to have odour and bad taste in addition disrupting the health stability of
consumers as it later causes cancer.
decomposition process will result in residual benzene when reacted with
chlorine to form chlorobenzene compounds these are very dangerous. Contact of benzene
and chlorine are very likely to occur in drinking water treatment, considering
the use of chlorine (which it contains chlorine) as a germ killer on the
chlorination process.
(Aquatic Life) Effect
one of the most widely used builders in detergent formation is important as it
is known to soften water and it reduces water. Phosphate is usually found in
general form as Sodium Tripoly Phosphate (STPP). Phosphate is ordinarily not
toxic but excess of it in the aquatic body causes eutrophication (nutrient
enrichment) such that there will be oxygen deficiency resulting from algal
(phytoplankton) growth and water hyacinth in the excess of food bacteria, thus
exhausting the oxygen content of the water till a time the aquatic life becomes
endangered and shades off light as sunlight will not penetrate into the water.
This if not controlled have tendency of disrupting the ecosystem as it (water
hyacinth) has already been found to block or hinder the flow of water from the
channels causing flood. STPP has been bound from use in some countries and
alternatively uses Zeolite and Citrate as Builder in detergent.
inflow or discharge of detergents into the water medium and soils poses a high
threat to the environment as most of them contain ABS (alkyl benzene sulphate)
which is non-biodegradable (non-decomposable by microorganisms) and is known to
be a very toxic pollutant that threatens man and other organisms that depend on
water for survival.
phosphate detergent such as tri-sodium phosphate (TSP) is toxic when mixed with
water as it destroy external mucus layers that protect fishes from bacteria and
parasites and also damages the gills of fishes, this leads to the death of
fishes while the low concentration of TSP kills the egg of fishes as such
hinders the breeding ability of aquatic organisms.
also had a big hand in lowering water quality. Organic chemicals such as
pesticides and phenols will be easily absorbed by fish, with only 2ppm
concentrations of detergents can be absorbed by fish twice the amount of other
chemicals. Detergents have negative effects on water biota. Phosphates in
detergents can trigger freshwater algae to release toxins and deplete oxygen in
the water. When algae decompose, they use the available oxygen to sustain life.
materials used in packaging the detergents itself are of low quality that
cannot be recycled and are found to be responsible in blocking the water
channel and causing flood and other environmental impact.
ability of various detergents to remove dirt on the cloth or other object,
reducing the presence of germs and bacteria that cause infections and increase
the service life of fabrics, carpets, household appliances and other home
appliances, is no doubt the major benefits of the use of detergents, thus
becoming an important part that cannot be separated from the life of modern
Since the
use of detergents have shown impact to the environment through poisoning of
water in the treatment plant and water quality degradation, a substitute
reagent with better characteristics like enzymes used in biological detergents ought
to be employed as they may be easily decomposed by the micro-organisms as such
making it environmentally friendly.
It will
be very ideal if proper guidance and orientation be given to the consumers of
these detergents as some of the detergents are health hazards that affect the
skin and can even be poisonous when ingested. Specifications and proper
directives need to be made to enable end users know the exact quantity that
should be used and when as well as how. If this measure is properly taken, it
will reduce foaming and bubbles and as such will not reduce the oxygen content
of the aquatic habitat and saving the life of organisms therein. Proper
awareness of how to dispose the sachets used in the packaging should be done
and mostly conspicuously indicated on the sachets to enable end users stop
littering them and discontinue it from blocking the water channel as well as
suffocation of aquatic organisms.
awareness on the benefits and impact of the use of washing machines need to be
carried out as well as educating users on the need to be proactive and study
the nature of the active ingredients in detergents they intend to purchase or
use. In the same vein, strong policy should be enacted to control the use of
non-environmental and non-healthy chemicals in the production of detergents and
also to ensure that they use reagents and chemicals that will be good to the
health of users. A clear environmental friendly logo should be marked clearly
with green on the pack.
For further reading and references:-
T., and Linke, D., Phase separation in the isolation and purification of
membrane proteins. BioTechniques, 43, 427-440 (2007).
A, Sesana F, Settimi L, et al. Accidental exposures to liquid detergent
capsules [Abstract 300]. 2012 International Congress of the European
Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists; May 25–June 1, 2012;
London, UK. Clin Toxicol 2012;50:353.
R.M. and Ferguson-Miller, S., Detergents as tools in membrane biochemistry. J.
Biol. Chem., 276, 32403-32406 (2001).
A., et al., Properties of Detergents. Methods Enzymol., 56,
734-749 (1979).
L.M., Solubilization of native membrane proteins. Methods Enzymol., 182,
253-264 (1990).
L, Ahir N, Stolz U, Nelson NG. Household cleaning product-related injuries
treated in US emergency departments in 1990–2006. Pediatrics 2010;126:509.
J.M., Detergents: an overview. Methods Enzymol., 182, 239-253
H, Moyns E, Bateman DN, Thomas SH, Thompson JP, Vale JA. Hazard of household
cleaning products: a study undertaken by the UK National Poisons Information
Service. Clin Toxicol 2012;50:770–5.
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