HumBioEnvLogy is a blogging niche for the discussion of Biodiversity of Flora and Fauna within the Ecosystem and Human interaction; the effect and control/preventive measures to protect the environment. This is aimed to be educative and informative.
Thursday, August 03, 2017
HumBioEnvLogy: Heavy Metal Pollution, Bioaccumulation, And Effect...
HumBioEnvLogy: Heavy Metal Pollution, Bioaccumulation, And Effect...: The school of thought that Technology brings more harm to us than good , may be as a result of our failure to apply best practices in o...
Heavy Metal Pollution, Bioaccumulation, And Effect To The Environment
The school of thought that Technology brings more harm to us than
good , may be as a result of our failure to apply best practices in our utilization
of the technological innovations in all
areas of life, e. g. Exploration of both solid and liquid mineral resources,
commercialisation of agriculture, construction of roads/other developmental
infrastructure and their uses, industrialisation, expansion in the form of
reclamation of lands, etc., in one way or the other has effect to the
environment and to us that ought to manage our environment for sustenance.
rusting of iron and steel used in construction and as ornaments, the
application of inorganic fertilisers to the soil to enhance productivity for
our agricultural produce, exploration of minerals that affects our atmosphere,
hydrosphere and leaves soil seriously polluted, emission of carbon and other
gasses which settles and react with water to become toxic to both plants and
animals, and improper disposal/management of waste all are responsible for the
pollution of our environment with one heavy metal or the other.
metals are members of loosely defined subset of elements that exhibit metallic
properties. Lots of definitions have been proposed, some based on density
(6.0g/cm3 or more (much higher than the average particle density of
soils which is 2.66g/cm3)), some on atomic number or atomic weight,
and some on chemical properties. These metals are alternatively called toxic
metals, irrespective of their atomic mass or density.
metals include ill-defined subset of elements that exhibit metallic properties,
which are transition metals, some metalloids, lanthanides, and actinides. These
metals cause environmental pollution from sources such as leaded petrol,
industrial effluents, and leaching of metal ions from the soil into lakes and
rivers by acid rain. Other sources of heavy metal pollutants are metal mining,
metal smelting, metallurgical industries, waste disposal, and corrosion of
metals in use, agriculture and forestry. Heavy metals contamination affects
large areas world-wide, but hot spots of pollution are locations close to the landfills,
industrial sites, around large cities and in the vicinity of mining and
smelting plants. This makes Agriculture within the areas to face major problems
due to heavy metal transfer into crops and subsequently into the food chain.
most important heavy metals with regard to potential hazards and occurrence in
contaminated soils are:- Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Mercury
(Hg), Lead (Pb), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Selenium (Se), Nickel (Ni), Silver
(Ag). Others that are less common metallic contaminants include Aluminium (Al),
Caesium (Cs), Cobalt (Co), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), Strontium (Sr), and
Uranuim (U).
(Be) and aluminium (Al) which is light metals sometimes are counted as heavy
metals in view of their toxicity. Exposure to Beryllium (Be) can result in lung
and heart disorder and possibly death while aluminium is a major inhibitor of
crop growth in acid soils.
most prevalent heavy metal known so far is Lead. Lead, is part of the component
of tetra-ethyl lead that is extensively used in gasoline. Lead levels in the
aquatic environments of industrialized societies have been estimated to be two
to three times those of pre-industrialized areas. Although the use of leaded
gasoline is largely been phased out in some advanced countries, but soils
within the roads still retain high concentrations of lead.
is the accumulation of substances or chemicals in an organism. There are small
numbers of plants that easily absorb high levels of metals from the surrounding
soil and other organisms that feed on plants which already has absorbed the
metals and soil surroundings. These are called hyperaccumulators and
accumulators respectively. If these plants and animals are harvested or
collected for human use, exposure to harmful levels of metals can occur. This
is normally concerned only to organisms collected from arrears with high
concentration of the metals in the soil.
uptake of metals by plants is dependent on the acidity of the soil (PH).
The higher the acidity, the more soluble and mobile the metals become, and the
more likely they are to be taken up and accumulated in organisms.
general, humans are more likely to be exposed to metal contamination from soil
that sticks to plants and animals than from bioaccumulation. This is because it
is very difficult to wash all soil particles off of plant and animal materials
before preparing and ingesting those.
that feed and grow near the soil as well as the plant parts that have closer
contact to the soil are at higher risk for exposure to metal contamination than
the higher portions of plants and animals that stay further away. Animals can
accumulate metals by eating plants, fish, soil, or drinking water with elevated
metal concentration. These metals are not excreted by animals; rather, they
accumulate mostly in organs as well as skin, hair, and bones.
amount of heavy metals is required by living organisms. Iron, cobalt, copper,
manganese, molybdenum, and zinc are required by humans. All metals are toxic at
high concentrations. Excessive levels can be damaging to the organism. Other
heavy metals such as mercury, plutonium, and lead are toxic metals and are of
no importance or beneficial effect on organisms, and their accumulation over
time in the bodies of animals can cause serious illness. The types of heavy
metals and their effect on human health with their permissible limits are
enumerated in the table below.
Permissible limits
of heavy metals in respect to food
Pesticides, fungicides,
metal smelters
Bronchitis, dermatitis,
Welding, electroplating,
pesticide, fertilizer, Cd and Ni batteries, nuclear fission plant
Renal dysfunction, lung
diseases, lung cancer, bone defects (Osteomalacia, Osteoporosis), increase
blood pressure, kidney damage, bronchitis, gastrointestinal disorder, bone marrow,
Paint, pesticide,
smoking, automobile emission, mining, burning of coal
Mental retardation in
children, development delay, fatal infant encephalopathy, congenital
paralysis, sensor neural deafness and, acute or chronic damage to the nervous
system, epilepticus, liver, kidney, gastrointestinal damage
Welding, fuel addition,
ferromanganese production
Inhalation or contact
causes damage to central nervous system
Pesticides, batteries,
paper industry
Tremors, gingivitis,
minor psychological changes, acrodynia characterized by pink hands and feet,
spontaneous abortion, damage to nervous system, protoplasm poisoning
Refineries, brass
manufacture, metal plating, plumbing
Zinc fumes have corrosive
effect on skin, cause damage to nervous membrane
Mines, mineral sources
Damage to the nervous
system, fatigue, irritability
Mining, pesticide
production, chemical industry, metal piping
Anaemia, liver and kidney
damage, stomach and intestinal irritation
(Source: Singh et al., 2011)
Heavy metals disrupt metabolic functions in two ways:
· They accumulate and thereby disrupt function in vital organs and
glands such as the heart, brain, kidneys, bone, liver, etc.
· They displace the vital nutritional minerals from their original
place, thereby, hindering their biological function. It is, however, impossible
to live in an environment free of heavy metals. There are many ways by which
these toxins can be introduced into the body such as consumption of foods,
beverages, skin exposure, and the inhaled air.
concentrate in soil typically ranges from less than one to as high as 100,000
mg/kg. Heavy metals are the main group of inorganic contaminants. Considerable
large areas of land is contaminated with heavy metals due to use of sludge or
municipal compost, pesticides, fertilisers, and emission from municipal wastes
incinerates, exudates, residues from metalliferous mines and smelting
of origin of the metals in the soil, consequential effect of its high level occurrence
can lead to soil quality degradation, crop yield reduction, and poor quality of
agricultural products, posing significant hazards to human, animal, and ecosystem
metals consumed beyond the bio-recommended limits become harmful and show some
effect to life, this phenomenon is referred to as biotoxicity. Although
individual metals exhibit specific signs of their toxicity, the following have
been reported as general signs associated with cadmium, lead, arsenic, mercury,
zinc, copper and aluminium poisoning: Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders,
diarrhoea, stomatitis, tremor, hemoglobinuria causing a rust-red colour to
stool, ataxia, paralysis, vomiting and convulsion, depression, and pneumonia
when volatile vapours and fumes are inhaled. The nature of effects could be
toxic (acute, chronic or sub-chronic), neurotoxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic or
is the most significant toxin of the heavy metals, and the inorganic forms are
absorbed through ingestion by food and water, and inhalation. A notably serious
effect of lead toxicity is its teratogenic effect. Lead poisoning also causes
inhibition of the synthesis of haemoglobin; dysfunctions in the kidneys, joints
and reproductive systems, cardiovascular system and acute and chronic damage to
the central nervous systems (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). Other
effects include damage to the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and urinary tract
resulting in bloody urine, neurological disorder and can cause severe and
permanent brain damage. While inorganic forms of lead, typically affect the
CNS, PNS, GIT and other biosystems, organic forms predominantly affect the CNS.
Lead affects children by leading to the poor development of the grey matter of
the brain, thereby resulting in poor intelligence quotient (IQ). Its absorption
in the body is enhanced by Ca and Zn deficiencies. Acute and chronic effects of
lead result in psychosis.
is toxic at extremely low levels. In humans, long term exposure results in
renal dysfunction, characterized by tubular proteinuria. High exposure can lead
to obstructive lung disease, cadmium pneumonitis, resulting from inhaled dusts
and fumes. It is characterized by chest pain, cough with foamy and bloody
sputum, and death of the lining of the lung tissues because of excessive
accumulation of watery fluids. Cadmium is also associated with bone defects,
viz; osteomalacia, osteoporosis and spontaneous fractures, increased blood
pressure and myocardic dysfunctions. Depending on the severity of exposure, the
symptoms of effects include nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, dyspnea and
muscular weak-ness. Severe exposure may result in pulmonary odema and death.
Pulmonary effects (emphysema, bronchiolitis and alveolitis) and renal effects
may occur following sub-chronic inhalation exposure to cadmium and its
has been reported to cause the same signs of illness as does lead, and can
easily be mistakenly diagnosed as lead poisoning. Zinc is considered to be
relatively non-toxic, especially if taken orally. However, excess amount can
cause system dysfunctions that result in impairment of growth and reproduction.
The clinical signs of zinc toxicosis have been reported as vomiting, diarrhoea,
bloody urine, icterus (yellow mucus membrane), liver failure, kidney failure
and anaemia.
is toxic and has no known function in human biochemistry and physiology.
Inorganic forms of mercury cause spontaneous abortion, congenital malformation
and GI disorders (like corrosive esophagitis and hematochezia). Poisoning by
its organic forms, which include monomethyl and dimenthylmecury presents with
erthism (an abnormal irritation or sensitivity of an organ or body part to
stimulation), acrdynia (pink disease, which is characterised by rash and
desquamation of the hands and feet), gingivitis, stomatitis, neurological
disorders, total damage to the brain and CNS and are also associated with
congenital malformation.
like lead and mercury, arsenic toxicity symptoms depend on the chemical form
ingested. Arsenic acts to coagulate protein, forms complexes with coenzymes and
inhibits the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) during respiration. It
is possibly carcinogenic in compounds of all its oxidation states and high
level exposure can cause death. Arsenic toxicity also presents a disorder,
which is similar to and often confused with Guillain-Barre syndrome, an
anti-immune disorder that occurs when the body’s immune system mistakenly
attacks part of the PNS, resulting in nerve inflammation that causes muscle
Copper though
plays a vital role in facilitating the uptake of iron, but its deficiency can
produce anaemia like symptoms, neutropenia, bone abnormalities,
hypopigmentation, and impaired growth, increased incidence of infections,
osteoporosis, hyperthyroidism, and abnormalities in glucose and cholesterol
metabolism. Severe deficiency can possibly be found by testing for low plasma
or serum copper levels, low ceruloplasmin, and low red blood cell superoxide
dismutase levels, although, these are not sensitive to marginal copper statue.
Copper salts are known to be toxic to humans possibly due to redox cycling and
generation of reactive oxygen species that damage DNA.
Corresponding amount of copper salts (30 mgkg-1) are toxic to
animals. Chronic copper toxicity does not normally occur in humans because of
transport systems that regulate absorption and excretion.
is an essential element for life when in minute quantity which is estimated to
be between 150 and 500 mgkg-1. However, chronic cobalt ingestion has
caused serious health problems at doses far less than the lethal dose. Cobalt compound has led to
peculiar form of toxin induced cardiomyopathy.
has a greater bioavailability in water than in diet. Higher levels of exposure
to manganese in drinking water increases intellectual impairment and reduced
intelligent quotients in school age children. Manganism is a rare neurological
disorder associated with excessive manganese ingestion or inhalation. People at
higher risk of exposure are workers are workers at manganese alloy
production/processing plants. Manganism has a biphase disorder with early stage
resulting to depression, mood swings, compulsive behaviour and psychosis if
intoxicated. This early neurological symptoms give way to late stage manganism
that resembles Parkinson’s disease. Symptoms include weakness, monotone and
slow speech, an expressionless face, tremor, forward leaning gait, inability to
walk backward without falling, rigidity and general problems with dexterity,
gait and balance.
Iron toxicity occurs when
there is free iron in the cell and it generally occurs when iron levels exceed
the capacity of transferring to bind the iron. Iron when ingested in large
amounts can cause excessive levels of iron in the blood thus reacting with
peroxides to produce free radicals that are highly reactive and damages the
DNA, proteins, lipids and other cellular components. Damage to the
gastrointestinal tract prevents the regulated iron absorption leading to
further increase in blood levels. Iron typically damages cells in the heart,
liver, and elsewhere, which can cause significant adverse effects, including
coma, metabolic acidosis, shock, liver failure, coagulopathy, adult respiratory
distress syndrome, long time organ damage, and even death.
sulphide fume and dust are believed carcinogenic and various other nickel
compounds may be as well. Nickel carbonyl (Ni (CO)4)
is an extremely toxic compound of nickel in gaseous state. The minimal risk
level of nickel and its compounds is set to 0.0002 mgm-3 for
inhalation during 15-364 days while the tolerable upper dietary limit is 1
mgday-1 and average ingestion is 0.069-0.162 mgday-1 in
US. Individuals that are sensitive to nickel may show allergy affecting their
skin known as dermatitis. It is an important cause of contact allergy which are
often marked by itchy red skin, partly due to its use in jewellery.
poisoning effects of heavy metals are due to their interference with the normal
body biochemistry in normal metabolic processes. When ingested, in the acid
medium of the stomach, they are converted to their stable oxidation states (Zn2+,
Pb2+, Cd2+, As2+, As3+, Hg2+,
and Ag+) and combine with the body’s biomolecules such as proteins
and enzymes to form strong and stable chemical bonds.
There is growing concern on effects of heavy
metals on human health and hence this has led to increase in research upon the
flora and fauna upon which humans feed.
In my research,
maginata) AND (Achatina folica)
1. They were concentration of heavy metals in
both the flesh and shell of the organisms for copper, zinc, manganese, lead,
cadmium, etc. It is an indication that organisms must have contacted the heavy
metals throws the developmental process of hatching of the deposited egg,
crawling for food on soils loaded with heavy metals, and feeding on plants that
have already accumulated the same metals in the cells and tissues.
2. The concentration varied from region and
metals accounting for the effect of spillage, emission of hydrocarbon and
exploration within the area which has found itself into the food chain that can
affect us human while consuming the snails.
areas in the south east have results that show that pollution during
exploration of solid minerals, industrial activities like welding, pollution
via landfills, addition of fertilisers to the soil that sometimes leach or
washed by run off contributes to the pollution and are contacted by absorption,
body surface contact like the case of Snails.
though some of these metals are vital nutrients in the body but when they are
found beyond the quantity that the body needs it, it obviously become toxic or
Our food should be properly washed to ensure
that the soil remains on the food (organisms) we intend to ingest which may
contain the metals are washed off.
Though these snails are processed (heating,
cooking) before consumption, the effect of processing could be minimal, since
the heavy metals are non-degradable. Hence, it is advised that the source of
snail to be consumed must be scrutinized.
Also, land pollution should be minimized and
effluents should be treated before discharge unto land.
Application of manure and fertilizers as well as
emission of gases should be controlled in order to reduce intentional heavy
metal application to the soil.
More proactive measures should be employed or
policies to regulate exploration of minerals that often spills and pollute the
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